Our Mission
Our purpose is to support medical families through education and advocacy, to provide fellowship for our members, and to promote and support the health and well-being of families in our community.
"Representing The Medicine Families of Sarasota creating and funding impactful health projects since 1947!"
Scholarships For Aspiring
Medical Students
Our scholarship program that has awarded over $75,000 in health-related scholarships. Aspiring medical professionals may submit their applications through Venice Medical Academy.
Our own long standing G.E.M.S. program (Good Emergency Mother’s Substitute) Babysitting Course is a three-day comprehensive course provided as a community service since 1995. Over 24 years in the running. This class fills up fast mentoring over 50 students per session.
Combating RX Misuse, Abuse & Opioid Addiction
Drug Free Sarasota Physician
Advocate Award Program
Targeted education and advocacy campaign joining Drug Free Sarasota with the Medical Alliance Foundation. Physicians utilize their office facilities and staff to act as a powerful portal informing patients of the dangers of opiate addiction, and abuse and misuse in innovative and effective ways. Drug Free Sarasota coalition voted to expand our pilot program initiative with over $6,000 of their own additional funding!.
The Sarasota Medical Alliance has funded Ending the Silence a Teen video series.
We will be using this video series produced by NAMI in our new BeWellSarasota.org resource website.
Drug Free Youth
We funded a consolidation of chapter operations among D-FY (Drug Free Youth) chapters to centralize their endeavors and student database. We are also building a legacy of supporting Drug Free Youth in Sarasota through funding of drug tests through their underwriting agency, First Step of Sarsaota.
The Sarasota Medical Alliance Foundation is a 501(c)3
You may also assist us greatly by making a simple donation here: